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by Marc Carver




Terry told me three or four years ago

that he would be happy to move to Spain and live there.

but the wife would not go.

A couple of years later the wife decided to go

but only from Terry

but he soon picked himself up

got a new wife and got her out doing two jobs

and guess where,


he made it to Spain as I guess I always knew he would.

He is there now collecting his social and laying on the beach waiting for his new wife to finish her two jobs


People ask me what my interest in Terry is.

I tell them I have no interest in him

but he is like a soap opera.

I like to tune in to see what he is up to

in a way he is my hero.

Never had a job

looked after by women

a modern day pimp








We walked into the shop

the woman behind the counter was big

and she looked tough too.

I looked down at her fingers.

On her wedding finger was the mark of her

wedding ring.

But all around it, the fingers were puffy

she must have had to yank that thing off

and now she was stuck with the mark

that would never let her forget.









I saw the beggar man

that now had a promotion to drug dealer.

I couldn't hide the look of disgust from my face

as he wouldn't look at me.

But you know what they say.

Judge yee

but sometimes it is tough.

You have to walk in another man's shoes to know

but I have no desire to do that

I have enough trouble getting anywhere in my own.






I lay in a field

looking up at the angry clouds,

some light shining through

my legs are open in a v and my arms outstretched like a big i.

I can touch the barley

the way it is only prickly if you rub it one way and not the other.

I am naked of need and body

clothed by skin and empty of want.

Some rain touches my face

the faint feeling of water

I am not cold nor hot.

I have no desire to be anywhere else

It grows never dark here and i can melt into everything.

This is the place i have been heading to all my life

and now i am here.

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