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Elin Lloyd Jenkins

Two seeds turned trees


Two seeds were planted in a golden meadow, some distance away from each other. Although they were the similar in form, and had the same purpose, they had never met. Through good Nourishing and warm care, they ceased to be seeds any more. They started to grow. 

Each embracing the subtle glow of the early spring sun, dancing to the late autumn breeze, yet oblivious of each other’s existence. 

Through the circled seasons each would learn the way in which to develop, creating stronger knowledge of their surroundings and their capability to survive.

As the early years rested new born days were to be faced. The young trees grew in confidence as they rose to the skies.  Branches developed thus enabling them to experiment in different areas…. Away from home comforts and the core of the plant. Some, in due course, were snapped and broken.

 A lesson learnt.

 The trees would never grow branches in that direction again.

 The trunk would be approached by several animals that inhabited the area- scratching and biting at the heart of the structure.

Lesson learnt.

The trees would make sure that its bark would be thicker. 

Throughout the braking and snapping, the scratching and bighting, the trees stood strong.

  Continue to grow they must.

Embracing these small bruises and scars, like a ladder to reach greater heights.  As the trees developed and grew into solid, knowing structures the space in between them was always changing.  Houses were built and taken down.

Roads were laid and then replaced.

 Toddlers would play and grow into adults. 

Yet continue to grow they must.

  Years later, as the trees grew to their proud height; they were now visible to each other…. Both mirroring each others ways and using the freedom in the same way.  Both, simultaneously, growing in the direction of the sun.  Both equal in mind and soul whilst both share the same soil… equally please to do so.

UNTIL the day a wall was built, and the trees were unable to see each other once again.  Both unknowing of the others movements, yet… both felt something strange. Not above, but deep in the soil… deep imbedded in the earth, something that they hadn’t noticed before.  Throughout the mirrored movements and the swaying, they hadn’t realised that their roots had strengthened, and grown deeper and wider. They now realised that their roots had intertwined- Knotting around each other and stabilizing one another from a fall.  Even though they were out of sight, they were connected in a deeper, stronger structure… Creating a unit. A “one”, But continue to grow they did.

After some time the wall was taken down. The trees were visible to each other once more but by this time, their grounding was so strong, that each didn’t have to mirror movements and sways…. but moved and swayed as one.


Sometimes in life, you need the scratches and the bites to grow stronger. Sometimes in life you need to be broken and snapped to know how not to grow.  In your spaces there will be things that come and go, some beneficial, some not…. Sometimes in life you need both to make you the person you are.  And when you find someone that has been there, root distance away from you all this time, know that sometimes, in their life, they have had to grow in a similar way.  Walls will be built in-between you, sometimes you WILL lose each other for a while, and you won’t be able to see a way forward. But always remember… solid grounding will see you through.  Your intertwined roots will always break these walls. And when they do, when you can once again see each other, know that there is nothing that can come between you.

Two seeds were planted in a golden meadow…. Two seeds… turned trees.

Continue to grow they must, but this time, together.







A crooked old building stood proud in stormy weather,
No grounding, poor foundations, and incapable to give shelter,
The structure would rock and blister in silence
But no help it would take, too proud to seek guidance

Every night it would battle. Enduring nature’s violence
The cracks impaled deeper and the walls showed more distance
The pressure was heavy and the house was in danger
Help was finally taken in the form of a stranger.

The task was immense but the stranger stood strong
Reinforcing the structure, supporting night long
Brick by brick the cracks were repaired,
Trust was now growing; No need to feel scared.

The stranger glared up upon his pained creation
Stood shadowed by the house that was branded a mission
He smiled with cloudy eyes as he turned to walk away
But the structure could feel his heart’s dismay

The stranger was lost in a battle of hearts,
Too scared of the future, too scared of the past
The vast immense building that he had created
Took him in, cold, broken and tainted

It peeled back thin layers that once were so scorn
Rebuilt and protected- Unleashed and reborn
It surrounded the stranger with a blanket of faith,
Promised trust, blessing, and a place to feel safe

Every night they would cherish -enjoying natures beauty
No cracks were present, and the walls glowed warmly
The both were protected, radiating warmth to the core
Both now realising, they were not strangers
any more.

A house turned a home stands proud in all weathers
Solid grounding, good foundations, and always there to give shelter
A person is needed to help another be braver
I’ll be your
house, because you were my stranger.



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