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J. Donnelly

Tie down the glaciers, the sunsets


This yellow rope is slippery

Unappreciated and slippery

Dangling up to the blue blanket fortress

You can pull it

Feel the fibers push back and tighten,

You can snap pictures and live through dirty lenses

Sit back, listen

The glacier is moving

Not once hitting the same pile of dirt

Changing the outcome

When it finally melts

Nobody will remember cold atmospheres

Only the lakes and rivers and ropes



Only a weekend


The bag is only for the weekend

Short breaks still cause hemorrhaging

Still cause, wanting,

I want to be selfish

Sad when she’s not here

Even though I know the weekend will end

In the end I know I will see her on Sunday

I wag my tail

Trailing the first person I see outside the grocery store

Or liquor store

Storied ending with anti-heroes

I’ll save the first smile for her

Saving the receipts to show how much I didn’t do

Cause I didn’t find a reason to go outside

Too big a fraud to discover anything

Except missing her around the apartment

Apparent to my misgivings



Almost there


Almost there now

gently lower the window

let the salty air blow

let the feelings come back

you can smell the high points

rolling over the waves



These are the moments you love New York


Friday casual sunlight

Beaming in over the neighbors’ rooftops

Sensible excitement for the whole weekend

Yet it doesn’t matter now

Now we only exist within these structures

Taking in the energy of an entire nation blowing off responsibility

When the singles out number the parents

Chaos becomes a drug for the masses 

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